Reasons to go to a health spa

“Exercises, healthy food, relaxing and good sleep are the fundaments of a healthy lifestyle” – this statement most of us have heard on more than one occasion. In our opinion, all of that sounds fantastic but is missing one vital thing, two hours a week at the Spa! Read on to find out why.

As one of the fastest-growing new industries on the market today, the business of wellness is no exception. Medical Spas are an emerging trend and demonstrate a growing desire to rejuvenate one’s youth and sustain a healthy Wellness lifestyle. As a large percentage of the population grows older, they begin to look for non-traditional ways to hold onto their youth—or at least the feeling of youth. Nevertheless, with the support of trendsetters, celebrities, and sports superstars the youngest generations are beginning to understand that taking care of their bodies today will slow down the aging clock of tomorrow. 

Health and wellness spas also called destination spas, where you can start a healthy lifestyle with exercise, spa cuisine, and relaxation. This is the best choice if you’re looking to make some healthy changes in your life while keeping up with a professional career. Traditionally, resort spas offer spa treatments “a la carte”. They focus on relaxation, aromatherapy, and wellness. According to Aromatherapy Associates, aromatherapy is moving in a brand new direction, and the power of scent is increasingly being used for its strong therapeutic qualities. The calming orange blossom and lavender scents that often waft through spa lounges and treatment rooms have been part of spa and wellness experiences for years. Taking its roots in India, Egypt, and China – where fragrant plant oils were used for religious, cosmetic, and medical purposes. Now, aromatherapy is playing a great role in the treatment of pain, as a mood enhancer, and in sleep therapy. Aromatherapy consists of using only natural oils extracted from a wide array of plants. As a spa client, you can now receive customized treatments based on how you feel. This new trend is exciting and personal. Imagine going to a spa and receiving a treatment with essential oils based on your immediate needs and desires. To achieve the client’s intention, the therapist will carefully select essential oils and techniques, music, and offer health recommendations. Wonderful!